Monday, December 28, 2009

Read, Read and Read

I read like crazy today, crazy. Give it to me one more time, yeahh~~~ Alhamdulillaah, I finished reading Syurga Idaman and Hadith 40 which I borrowed from the UBD’s library. Next reading: Allan Pease’s Why Men Don’t Have a Clue, which is a lovely gift from my bro. Well, actually, I asked him to buy it in UK before he went back home as a gift. And, it’s been more than six months I wasn’t able to finish reading this book. One of the reasons was, I put more priority to read Islamic resources and books.

In the past, I like to read personal development books such as The Magic of Thinking Big, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Personality Plus and so on.

Well, alhamdulillah, now, I’m focusing more on religious books... ;)

The opportunity cost that I should have done today instead of reading and reading and reading:

1) Servicing my mom’s car. Instead, I told my bro to do this and gave him the money. And, I did this, for the third time since the last time sent my mom’s car to the servicing area myself.

2) And, much housework to be done such as, well, uhhh, you know... those stuffs at home. And, one pair of my shoes, it hasn’t been washed, still full of dirt, mud and lump, and it is still wrapped and covered in a plastic since Friday, 4th December 2009 which was the time of our camping.

3) Exercise? I was planning to do some push-ups and a little bit of stretching. And, I didn’t do any of those for today. Also, I left my dumbbell at my hostel room and so, I haven’t done any weight-lifting recently. Oh well, I guess my muscle is shrinking then, haha...

4) Make a teh tarik! I’m a teh tarik addict by the way. And, so what? I love it!

5) And many more.

Some of the good things for today:

1) I’m still in my inter-semester break. :D

2) Alhamdulillaah, I was able to ‘attract like a magnet’ my dad to perform solat Asar and Isya’ at our village’s masjid. I still have a looong way to go and insya-Allah, I WON’T GIVE UP TILL I DIED! Yes, I would assure that I might fall millions of times and I WON’T GIVE UP! If I can do it, so do you readers, insya-Allah. And I know you could do better and better than me who always tend to procrastinate things. Hmmm... I remembered I cried the second time I successfully ‘attract’ my dad to perform solat Maghrib at our village’s masjid (after many ‘failures’), I cried during the first raka’at of the Maghrib with my dad praying at the right side of me. And that feeling was priceless to me. Priceless.

3) Ohh, it’s already past 12:30 AM! I guess I need to stop writing then. I have many to tell actually especially something related to my mom. I need to continue reading, and do other necessary things. :)

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