“Neway anta tau istilah BMTTenSoFaLeS?”
“Ana dpt tu dri aa gym jua”, said Bro T. Well, he was referring to Kiyai Haji Abdullah Gymnastiar or nama manjanya, AA Gym.
Last night, I was dating with Bro T********* (kemungkinan nama sebenar, maybe) on MSN Messenger. And he was telling me about BMTTenSoFaLeS in one of our conversations.
Some of you might ask, “Apakan BMTTenSoFaLeS ni?”
Okay people, allow me to copy and paste what Bro T said:
“BMT...sblum ckp... check whether apa yg kan di ckp atu...Benar....if benar..check adakah ia berManfaat...lau bermanfaat...check adakah ia Tidak menyakiti...”
“ia BMT ani sudah lulus..sudah okay..gunakan kaedah TenSoFaLes... Semasa ckp tu...pastiakn Tenang, Sopan...Fasih..tidak perlu guna perkataan2 yg dlm dan kurg di fahami....then ckp secara Lembut..n ckp Secukupnya saja..nda perlu pjg2.. n byk bunga…”
“BMTTenSoFaLeS =
- Benar,
- Manfaat,
- Tidak menyakiti,
- Tenang,
- Sopan,
- Fasih,
- Lembut,
- Secukupnya…”
And so, that was one of the things that he shared with me last night. Okay, allow me to change the topic. I would like to tell you guys some of the things that I experienced and witnessed today:
1) I was driving tadi along my kampong. And I saw our ex-ketua kampong main badminton sama cucunya. And watching that made me and my heart smile. :D Why? Macam happy bah ex-ketua kampong atu. And appearancenya lagi macam urang muda. He is about 65 plus years old by the way. Insya-Allah, aku mau and perlu macam ia, ada semangat yang muda selamanya walaupun fizikal semakin tua. And for me, one of my semangat muda, belajar ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk my dunia dan akhirat selama-lamanya. And mengamalkan sebaik-baiknya, insya-Allah.
2) Masa ku solat Asar tadi, ada nini ani, namanya Nini X (bukan nama sebenar) bawa cucunya solat (usulnya macam umur 3-4 tahun). Inda pulang ia pandai solat as ia ani masih damit. What made me macam kan ketawa lagi (I smiled the first time I saw this boy), muanya ani kan sama macam nininya. :D Lapas solat, on the way ke kerita, ku tanya lah Nini X ani, “Siapa namanya?”
“Mufti,” said Nini X. Suaranya inda brapa clear bah and aku pun sama juanya, hearing ku ani, macam urang tua dah. :P
“Ahh, mufti?” I was shocked to hear Nini X's response. Dipendekkan cerita (I don’t want to tell the rest), after several thoughts, I eventually have a guess barang kali maksudnya atu nama cucunya atu Lutfi kali. Wallaahu a’laam.
3) “Ada accident tadikan?”, my mom said. I only realized it sudah ku kan masuk simpang to our home after I prayed solat Isya. And that accident happened at about 50 meters from our home.
“Cana mama tau?”, I said.
“Lapas ko keluar simpang tadi, ada bunyi *BUK!* dakat kadai DLA atu, and mama tarus masuk”.
Reminder: Berhati-hatilah kitani semasa memandu. Pandu cermat, insya-Allah, jiwa akan selamat. Ingatlah Allah dan orang-orang yang tersayang selalu.
And banyakkan dicerita lagi yo! Atu tah saja yang ingin ku share for today.
And by the way, bro T, thanks bro for sharing the info sal BMTTenSoFaLes. :D Macam score piano bunyinya TenSoFales atu.
And to you, dear readers, semoga bermanfaat reading this, insya-Allaah. ^_^
Ahh, it is about one hour and fifteen minutes till the new year of 2010 begins. And here I am, spending the last day of 2009 at my parents’ room. Both of them are sleeping by the way. And my youngest sis is playing game using my babah’s desktop. And just now, alhamdulillah, I had one of the best quality time with my beloved parents masa dinner tadi.
"Maka nikmat tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?" - Suroh Ar-Rohmaan. Ayat ani kana ulang 31 times. And I really love to recite this ayat.
2010. It’s only a number. Nothing really important when we think about it. =)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Bila Imam Yang Ditugaskan Nada
Tadi, I was performing solat Zuhur in one of the masjid. ALONE. No imam, no makmum. And after that, I took the opportunity of getting the positive externality to sleep there for about 30 minutes (I was planning to sleep for about 15 minutes). I was sleeping peacefully and rolling and rolling and rolling with the carpet there. Ohh yes, I was just joking about rolling with the carpet part. :P
Hmmm... There was this one time, masa Subuh, I finally realized that there was no imam. Only the makmum, and at that time, they negotiated about who should be the imam (orang tua-tua lagi, better be silent than be involved, hehe). Ada the other time, knowing this situation, apa nah, I rushed to the other masjid to solat Subuh which is about 1.4 kilometer from my home. The distance between this one masjid is only about 1.2 kilometer from my home. And the other masjid is only about 1.4 kilometer from my home (I love to pray Subuh berjamaa'ah here).
And this didn't happen once, but more than three times already. And even more than that. Masa ku di hostel cemana? Alhamdulillaah, ani masa ku cuti, I only went home about once a week during the semester. And I encountered situation like this in two districts. Ya Allaah...
Bila imam yang official nada, kana gantikan oleh bilal kan. And ani dua-dua nada yang datang? And ada this masjid, ada dua official bilal and one official imam? And tiga-tiga nada yang datang pada masa yang sama? Astaghfirullaah...
Sekali is okay. And, more than three times? And even more than that? I would let you answer the question for that.
Bukankah masjid ani rumah Allah? Bukankah ia sepatutnya dimakmurkan? Apa yang Rasulullah SAW buat pertama kali masa ia datang ke sesuatu tempat? *I forgot the place*
Uncle imam, uncle bilal, please do your job fully... And to all men, I would recommend you that you always and always pray berjamaa'ah at the masjid when you have the time. Women are recommended to pray at home to avoid fitnah and so on. Well, atu yang ku tau. Do correct me ASAP when you see something is wrong in my saying and writing.
Kamu tau kan urang Yahudi ani inda akan takut dengan ummat Islam selagi jumlah jamaa'ah solat Subuh di masjid atu inda ramai macam solat Jum'at? Kamu mau tulung Palestine atau inda dengan menanamkan sedikit rasa takut kepada urang Yahudi? Makin banyak urang buat cani, insya-Allah, makin durang takut tu. Alhamdulillah, di Brunei ani siok. Masjid dakat-dakat. Payah kan cari reasons supaya inda solat berjamaa'ah di masjid ani. Do refer to Misteri Sholat Subuh for more info about this.
Bila ditaqdirkan Allah untuk biskita membaca blog ani. Terlebih dahulu, hamba ingin memohon maaf yang sebanyak-banyaknya kepada pihak biskita. Terima kasih banyak-banyak juga diucapkan dari diri hamba yang hina ani karena telah memakmurkan masjid-masjid di negara dzikir ani. Teruskan dan tingkatkan usaha biskita. Insya-Allah. Yang baik itu datang dariNya dan yang buruk itu dari diri hamba sendiri.
Blame me if you want. It is necessary.
Hmmm... There was this one time, masa Subuh, I finally realized that there was no imam. Only the makmum, and at that time, they negotiated about who should be the imam (orang tua-tua lagi, better be silent than be involved, hehe). Ada the other time, knowing this situation, apa nah, I rushed to the other masjid to solat Subuh which is about 1.4 kilometer from my home. The distance between this one masjid is only about 1.2 kilometer from my home. And the other masjid is only about 1.4 kilometer from my home (I love to pray Subuh berjamaa'ah here).
And this didn't happen once, but more than three times already. And even more than that. Masa ku di hostel cemana? Alhamdulillaah, ani masa ku cuti, I only went home about once a week during the semester. And I encountered situation like this in two districts. Ya Allaah...
Bila imam yang official nada, kana gantikan oleh bilal kan. And ani dua-dua nada yang datang? And ada this masjid, ada dua official bilal and one official imam? And tiga-tiga nada yang datang pada masa yang sama? Astaghfirullaah...
Sekali is okay. And, more than three times? And even more than that? I would let you answer the question for that.
Bukankah masjid ani rumah Allah? Bukankah ia sepatutnya dimakmurkan? Apa yang Rasulullah SAW buat pertama kali masa ia datang ke sesuatu tempat? *I forgot the place*
Uncle imam, uncle bilal, please do your job fully... And to all men, I would recommend you that you always and always pray berjamaa'ah at the masjid when you have the time. Women are recommended to pray at home to avoid fitnah and so on. Well, atu yang ku tau. Do correct me ASAP when you see something is wrong in my saying and writing.
Kamu tau kan urang Yahudi ani inda akan takut dengan ummat Islam selagi jumlah jamaa'ah solat Subuh di masjid atu inda ramai macam solat Jum'at? Kamu mau tulung Palestine atau inda dengan menanamkan sedikit rasa takut kepada urang Yahudi? Makin banyak urang buat cani, insya-Allah, makin durang takut tu. Alhamdulillah, di Brunei ani siok. Masjid dakat-dakat. Payah kan cari reasons supaya inda solat berjamaa'ah di masjid ani. Do refer to Misteri Sholat Subuh for more info about this.
Bila ditaqdirkan Allah untuk biskita membaca blog ani. Terlebih dahulu, hamba ingin memohon maaf yang sebanyak-banyaknya kepada pihak biskita. Terima kasih banyak-banyak juga diucapkan dari diri hamba yang hina ani karena telah memakmurkan masjid-masjid di negara dzikir ani. Teruskan dan tingkatkan usaha biskita. Insya-Allah. Yang baik itu datang dariNya dan yang buruk itu dari diri hamba sendiri.
Blame me if you want. It is necessary.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Laa Taghdhob, Laa Taghdhob… (Jangan Marah, Jangan Marah…)
Three guys coming out from a white car and approaching the black car. And suddenly, the driver of the white car punched the driver of the black car. I witnessed this right and live in front of my eye at Jalan Sungai Liang on my way home.
Kesianku driver yang kana tumbuk atu. Ia inda bersalah, tapi ia pulang kana tumbuk.
Okay, cani ceritanya…
Once upon a time… Ada krita ani memutung krita my mom dengan sangat lajunya. I said (dalam hati), “Gagas jua krita ani!” And, cara ia drive atu macam urang mabuk and laju-laju. Then, krita ani kan mutung tia lagi usulnya (krita atu di dapan krita my mom). Yatah, krita di dapannya atu krita hitam atu. Ia macam inda membagi jalan untuk krita putih atu untuk sambung memutung. Sudah ia successfully putung krita atu selepas beberapa percubaan, ada passenger krita putih ani, keluar ia dari tingkap atu, Dengan muanya yg marah, macam bagi signal dengan body languagenya sekali yang garang dan marah arah driver krita hitam atu untuk branti.
Lapas dua-dua krita atu branti, yatah what happened tadi tu (do refer to the first paragraph).
And then… *talian terputus*
And last week, on Saturday, 26th December 2009, I went to Bandar. On my way there, I encountered two events of car accident along the Tutong-Brunei Muara Highway. One near the Bukit Panggal (at about 1:45 PM), and one near the Tasik Hijau (at about 2:00 PM). Both happened in the Tutong district.
Ya Allaah… *speechless*
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu, sesungguhnya seseorang bertanya kepada Rasulullah
sholallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam : “(Ya Rasulullah) nasihatilah saya”. Beliau bersabda: “Jangan engkau
marah”. Beliau menanyakan hal itu berkali-kali. Maka beliau bersabda: “Jangan engkau marah.” - Hadits riwayat Bukhori
Sesungguhnya ungkapan yang telah dikenal oleh orang-orang dari ucapan nabi-nabi yang terdahulu adalah: “Jika engkau tidak malu, maka perbuatlah apa yang engkau suka.” - Hadits riwayat Bukhori
"Siapa yang melihat kemunkaran, maka ubahlah dengan tangannya. Jika tidak mampu, maka ubahlah dengan lisannya. Jika tidak
mampu, maka (tolaklah) dengan hatinya. Dan hal tersebut adalah selemah-lemahnya
iman." Hadits riwayat Muslim
Kesianku driver yang kana tumbuk atu. Ia inda bersalah, tapi ia pulang kana tumbuk.
Okay, cani ceritanya…
Once upon a time… Ada krita ani memutung krita my mom dengan sangat lajunya. I said (dalam hati), “Gagas jua krita ani!” And, cara ia drive atu macam urang mabuk and laju-laju. Then, krita ani kan mutung tia lagi usulnya (krita atu di dapan krita my mom). Yatah, krita di dapannya atu krita hitam atu. Ia macam inda membagi jalan untuk krita putih atu untuk sambung memutung. Sudah ia successfully putung krita atu selepas beberapa percubaan, ada passenger krita putih ani, keluar ia dari tingkap atu, Dengan muanya yg marah, macam bagi signal dengan body languagenya sekali yang garang dan marah arah driver krita hitam atu untuk branti.
Lapas dua-dua krita atu branti, yatah what happened tadi tu (do refer to the first paragraph).
And then… *talian terputus*
And last week, on Saturday, 26th December 2009, I went to Bandar. On my way there, I encountered two events of car accident along the Tutong-Brunei Muara Highway. One near the Bukit Panggal (at about 1:45 PM), and one near the Tasik Hijau (at about 2:00 PM). Both happened in the Tutong district.
Ya Allaah… *speechless*
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu anhu, sesungguhnya seseorang bertanya kepada Rasulullah
sholallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam : “(Ya Rasulullah) nasihatilah saya”. Beliau bersabda: “Jangan engkau
marah”. Beliau menanyakan hal itu berkali-kali. Maka beliau bersabda: “Jangan engkau marah.” - Hadits riwayat Bukhori
Sesungguhnya ungkapan yang telah dikenal oleh orang-orang dari ucapan nabi-nabi yang terdahulu adalah: “Jika engkau tidak malu, maka perbuatlah apa yang engkau suka.” - Hadits riwayat Bukhori
"Siapa yang melihat kemunkaran, maka ubahlah dengan tangannya. Jika tidak mampu, maka ubahlah dengan lisannya. Jika tidak
mampu, maka (tolaklah) dengan hatinya. Dan hal tersebut adalah selemah-lemahnya
iman." Hadits riwayat Muslim
Monday, December 28, 2009
Read, Read and Read
I read like crazy today, crazy. Give it to me one more time, yeahh~~~ Alhamdulillaah, I finished reading Syurga Idaman and Hadith 40 which I borrowed from the UBD’s library. Next reading: Allan Pease’s Why Men Don’t Have a Clue, which is a lovely gift from my bro. Well, actually, I asked him to buy it in UK before he went back home as a gift. And, it’s been more than six months I wasn’t able to finish reading this book. One of the reasons was, I put more priority to read Islamic resources and books.
In the past, I like to read personal development books such as The Magic of Thinking Big, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Personality Plus and so on.
Well, alhamdulillah, now, I’m focusing more on religious books... ;)
The opportunity cost that I should have done today instead of reading and reading and reading:
1) Servicing my mom’s car. Instead, I told my bro to do this and gave him the money. And, I did this, for the third time since the last time sent my mom’s car to the servicing area myself.
2) And, much housework to be done such as, well, uhhh, you know... those stuffs at home. And, one pair of my shoes, it hasn’t been washed, still full of dirt, mud and lump, and it is still wrapped and covered in a plastic since Friday, 4th December 2009 which was the time of our camping.
3) Exercise? I was planning to do some push-ups and a little bit of stretching. And, I didn’t do any of those for today. Also, I left my dumbbell at my hostel room and so, I haven’t done any weight-lifting recently. Oh well, I guess my muscle is shrinking then, haha...
4) Make a teh tarik! I’m a teh tarik addict by the way. And, so what? I love it!
5) And many more.
Some of the good things for today:
1) I’m still in my inter-semester break. :D
2) Alhamdulillaah, I was able to ‘attract like a magnet’ my dad to perform solat Asar and Isya’ at our village’s masjid. I still have a looong way to go and insya-Allah, I WON’T GIVE UP TILL I DIED! Yes, I would assure that I might fall millions of times and I WON’T GIVE UP! If I can do it, so do you readers, insya-Allah. And I know you could do better and better than me who always tend to procrastinate things. Hmmm... I remembered I cried the second time I successfully ‘attract’ my dad to perform solat Maghrib at our village’s masjid (after many ‘failures’), I cried during the first raka’at of the Maghrib with my dad praying at the right side of me. And that feeling was priceless to me. Priceless.
3) Ohh, it’s already past 12:30 AM! I guess I need to stop writing then. I have many to tell actually especially something related to my mom. I need to continue reading, and do other necessary things. :)
In the past, I like to read personal development books such as The Magic of Thinking Big, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Personality Plus and so on.
Well, alhamdulillah, now, I’m focusing more on religious books... ;)
The opportunity cost that I should have done today instead of reading and reading and reading:
1) Servicing my mom’s car. Instead, I told my bro to do this and gave him the money. And, I did this, for the third time since the last time sent my mom’s car to the servicing area myself.
2) And, much housework to be done such as, well, uhhh, you know... those stuffs at home. And, one pair of my shoes, it hasn’t been washed, still full of dirt, mud and lump, and it is still wrapped and covered in a plastic since Friday, 4th December 2009 which was the time of our camping.
3) Exercise? I was planning to do some push-ups and a little bit of stretching. And, I didn’t do any of those for today. Also, I left my dumbbell at my hostel room and so, I haven’t done any weight-lifting recently. Oh well, I guess my muscle is shrinking then, haha...
4) Make a teh tarik! I’m a teh tarik addict by the way. And, so what? I love it!
5) And many more.
Some of the good things for today:
1) I’m still in my inter-semester break. :D
2) Alhamdulillaah, I was able to ‘attract like a magnet’ my dad to perform solat Asar and Isya’ at our village’s masjid. I still have a looong way to go and insya-Allah, I WON’T GIVE UP TILL I DIED! Yes, I would assure that I might fall millions of times and I WON’T GIVE UP! If I can do it, so do you readers, insya-Allah. And I know you could do better and better than me who always tend to procrastinate things. Hmmm... I remembered I cried the second time I successfully ‘attract’ my dad to perform solat Maghrib at our village’s masjid (after many ‘failures’), I cried during the first raka’at of the Maghrib with my dad praying at the right side of me. And that feeling was priceless to me. Priceless.
3) Ohh, it’s already past 12:30 AM! I guess I need to stop writing then. I have many to tell actually especially something related to my mom. I need to continue reading, and do other necessary things. :)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Songket Ballroom: The Lessons
Hmmm... Thinking and reflecting back of those two events in the past, I would say that there are three most important lessons to be learned in here...
Pertama, sebuleh2nya, I should not have performed masa puasa atu in order to respect the holy month of Ramadhan. I should give reasons yang kuat of not to perform or buat show masa puasa atu. Pasal apa? Pasal masatu aku inda Solat Tarawih sal ngaleh n macam malas rasanya kan solat di masjid. Yatah tu the opportunity cost that I have to sacrifice. Even though I went back to the hostel before azan Isya’ since the function abis after mamam2 (alhamdulillaah, luxurious food yo level VIP!), I decided to perform my Solat Isya’ at the hostel’s surau. Bulan puasa kali ahh, bulan yang sangat2 n SANGAT2 penting bagi ummat Islam, huhu... Astaghfirullaah... *tampar2 lambut2 my pipi kiri n my pipi kanan*
Kedua, preparation, my friends, preparation! “Sediakanlah payung sebelum hujan.” That phrase, sounds simple to us, right? Both of our preparation rah Songket Ballroom atu dua2nya last minute. Satu, show masa puasa, we didn’t make a plan B or other unexpected plans. Knowing that Pehin Aziz, the state mufti would datang to the function masatu (n the official told us masa kami di sana dah n sedang buat rehearsal), bini2nya ada yang begagas membali tudong2 n kain2 utk tutup aurat rah Nazmi at the ground floor of The Mall, our supposed-to-be performance terpaksa diubah mcm bunyi2 gitar n some parts of muzik ditiadakan n etc.
On the other hand, the other show, kami kana informed untuk buat show esuknya. Apanah, malamnya kami buat show kan, pagi atu tah jua kami start mikirkan cana bisainya ahh buat show, siapa yang jadi ani ahh, siapa yang jadi atu ahh, skrip lagi apa, n etc. Last minute brabis tu masatu.
*Skip this n next paragraphs if you want, sal ani inda penting sangat ni, really, haha...* Ohh btw, kan cerita sikit before our rehearsal atu, there was a dry-run about a marriage function which would take place some days later. Kami pun menunggulah punya tunggu durang punya dry-run ani abis. Suddenly, there was this part yang buat ku really sentimental masa dry-run atu. Ada slide show about the two bakal pengantin with the background of lagu Ada Band featuring Gita Gutawa, Yang Terbaik Bagimu. Kamu tau kan ada screen putih yang basar atu di Songket Ballroom atu? Hmmm just imagine bila kamu yang jadi pengantin rah slide show atu, lawa kan?? ;)
In 2007, I had a dream, an angan-angan, the theme song in my slide show rah screen putih yang basar atu would be the song, Yang Terbaik Bagimu. Lagu ani walaupun ia ditujukan kepada insan yang bernama ayah, I’m planning in 2007 to use this song masa ku *ohok2* nanti sal ku kelawaan and it always n always touches my heart especially liriknya atu. And aku angan2 ada gambar2 pasal bakal *ohok2* and gambar aku macam masa kami damit2, masa kami skulah, pokoknya ini sejarah kami lah... *malu* (awww, how sweet... LOL!) Sayangnya, ada tia urang makai udah lagu ani. And yet, the night before our rehearsal I was having an argument with *ohok2*, makin tia ku sentimental. I feel like macam inda pedah ku hidup masatu rasanya. Macam useless. Macam, hmmm, malas ku kan cakap...
So, pengajarannya? Bah, mari tah tani sama2 ulang balik2 the four important words, “Sediakanlah payung sebelum hujan” ani, especially to me yang selalu bertabiat ani, huhu… Apa2 pun yang terjadi, tani mesti slalu n slalu expect the unexpected that anything would happen. What’s more important, tani mesti selalu n selalu bersiap sedia untuk lima perkara yg kana mention dalam hadis nabi yang popular. Muda sebelum tua, lapang sebelum sibuk, hidup sebelum MATI n so on.
Ketiga, don’t let your emotion affects you. N it’s not easy people, really, not easy to control your emotion ani. Cakap memang senang, cakap ja. Eventually, ingatlah wahai kawan2ku, one of the great n powerful solutions is, hanya dengan mengingati Allah-lah hati tani akan menjadi tenang n kalem (calm) n kool (cool) n collected, insya-Allah. Dekatkanlah dan dekatkanlah diri tani dengan Allaah... Sesungguhnya Allah SWT mencintai semua makhluknya mengalahi daripada sayangnya seorang ibu kepada anak-anaknya. Bertawakkallah n berpasrahlah SEPENUHNYA kepada Allah. N pada masa yang sama, kita buat yang terbaik n termampu. JANGAN MENYERAH! Yakinlah dan bersangka baiklah dengan Allah selama2nya, insyaAllaah! Allah atu maha penyayang, tani setiap saat buat dusa tanpa kitani sedari, hhuhu... N still, still, Allah forgives us dengan izinNya... N also, banyak lagi tanggungjawab2 tani as a kuli di dunia yang akan ditanya n dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Allah nanti masa di akhirat. Hidup ani bukannya anugerah kawan2ku just like what you heard in one of the songs, hidup ani satu examination yang BESAR, BESAR. 'Ad-dunya-'ul imtihaan'. (Luruskah tu bahasa Arabku atu? Hehe...)
N hari ani, Hari ‘Asyura, today is officially one year since the last Hari ‘Asyura. N you know what? Alhamdulillaah, dua2 hari ‘Asyura aku kana bala sal dusa2ku yang amat2 banyak sangat (today n the last ‘Asyura). N i wouldn’t say aku kana uji sal urang kana uji ani ada ku dangar ceramah bila urang atu inda buat dusa or sikit buat dusa, lebih kurang cematulah nya ustaz tu. Aku kana bala yang membuka mataku BASAR2 masa Hari ‘Asyura yang jatuh pada awal Januari this year. Alhamdulillaah, tuhan nampakkan aku sesuatu yang aku inda expected. Lapas ku keluar dari Senate Room, Chancellor Hall, masa I attended the Second International Economics Conference at UBD, n ku liat suasana di luar CH through the window (biasalah, kan mentenangkan fikiran hehehh) n I turned my eyes ke bawah... I saw something... Baru jua dalam dua jam, dua jam yang short...
N I wouldn’t say it in here, let it be a top secret...
“...Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Dan Allah maha mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui...” - Al-Baqarah: 216
"...Dan Allah MAHA mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui...” - Al-Baqarah: 216
Pertama, sebuleh2nya, I should not have performed masa puasa atu in order to respect the holy month of Ramadhan. I should give reasons yang kuat of not to perform or buat show masa puasa atu. Pasal apa? Pasal masatu aku inda Solat Tarawih sal ngaleh n macam malas rasanya kan solat di masjid. Yatah tu the opportunity cost that I have to sacrifice. Even though I went back to the hostel before azan Isya’ since the function abis after mamam2 (alhamdulillaah, luxurious food yo level VIP!), I decided to perform my Solat Isya’ at the hostel’s surau. Bulan puasa kali ahh, bulan yang sangat2 n SANGAT2 penting bagi ummat Islam, huhu... Astaghfirullaah... *tampar2 lambut2 my pipi kiri n my pipi kanan*
Kedua, preparation, my friends, preparation! “Sediakanlah payung sebelum hujan.” That phrase, sounds simple to us, right? Both of our preparation rah Songket Ballroom atu dua2nya last minute. Satu, show masa puasa, we didn’t make a plan B or other unexpected plans. Knowing that Pehin Aziz, the state mufti would datang to the function masatu (n the official told us masa kami di sana dah n sedang buat rehearsal), bini2nya ada yang begagas membali tudong2 n kain2 utk tutup aurat rah Nazmi at the ground floor of The Mall, our supposed-to-be performance terpaksa diubah mcm bunyi2 gitar n some parts of muzik ditiadakan n etc.
On the other hand, the other show, kami kana informed untuk buat show esuknya. Apanah, malamnya kami buat show kan, pagi atu tah jua kami start mikirkan cana bisainya ahh buat show, siapa yang jadi ani ahh, siapa yang jadi atu ahh, skrip lagi apa, n etc. Last minute brabis tu masatu.
*Skip this n next paragraphs if you want, sal ani inda penting sangat ni, really, haha...* Ohh btw, kan cerita sikit before our rehearsal atu, there was a dry-run about a marriage function which would take place some days later. Kami pun menunggulah punya tunggu durang punya dry-run ani abis. Suddenly, there was this part yang buat ku really sentimental masa dry-run atu. Ada slide show about the two bakal pengantin with the background of lagu Ada Band featuring Gita Gutawa, Yang Terbaik Bagimu. Kamu tau kan ada screen putih yang basar atu di Songket Ballroom atu? Hmmm just imagine bila kamu yang jadi pengantin rah slide show atu, lawa kan?? ;)
In 2007, I had a dream, an angan-angan, the theme song in my slide show rah screen putih yang basar atu would be the song, Yang Terbaik Bagimu. Lagu ani walaupun ia ditujukan kepada insan yang bernama ayah, I’m planning in 2007 to use this song masa ku *ohok2* nanti sal ku kelawaan and it always n always touches my heart especially liriknya atu. And aku angan2 ada gambar2 pasal bakal *ohok2* and gambar aku macam masa kami damit2, masa kami skulah, pokoknya ini sejarah kami lah... *malu* (awww, how sweet... LOL!) Sayangnya, ada tia urang makai udah lagu ani. And yet, the night before our rehearsal I was having an argument with *ohok2*, makin tia ku sentimental. I feel like macam inda pedah ku hidup masatu rasanya. Macam useless. Macam, hmmm, malas ku kan cakap...
So, pengajarannya? Bah, mari tah tani sama2 ulang balik2 the four important words, “Sediakanlah payung sebelum hujan” ani, especially to me yang selalu bertabiat ani, huhu… Apa2 pun yang terjadi, tani mesti slalu n slalu expect the unexpected that anything would happen. What’s more important, tani mesti selalu n selalu bersiap sedia untuk lima perkara yg kana mention dalam hadis nabi yang popular. Muda sebelum tua, lapang sebelum sibuk, hidup sebelum MATI n so on.
Ketiga, don’t let your emotion affects you. N it’s not easy people, really, not easy to control your emotion ani. Cakap memang senang, cakap ja. Eventually, ingatlah wahai kawan2ku, one of the great n powerful solutions is, hanya dengan mengingati Allah-lah hati tani akan menjadi tenang n kalem (calm) n kool (cool) n collected, insya-Allah. Dekatkanlah dan dekatkanlah diri tani dengan Allaah... Sesungguhnya Allah SWT mencintai semua makhluknya mengalahi daripada sayangnya seorang ibu kepada anak-anaknya. Bertawakkallah n berpasrahlah SEPENUHNYA kepada Allah. N pada masa yang sama, kita buat yang terbaik n termampu. JANGAN MENYERAH! Yakinlah dan bersangka baiklah dengan Allah selama2nya, insyaAllaah! Allah atu maha penyayang, tani setiap saat buat dusa tanpa kitani sedari, hhuhu... N still, still, Allah forgives us dengan izinNya... N also, banyak lagi tanggungjawab2 tani as a kuli di dunia yang akan ditanya n dipertanggungjawabkan oleh Allah nanti masa di akhirat. Hidup ani bukannya anugerah kawan2ku just like what you heard in one of the songs, hidup ani satu examination yang BESAR, BESAR. 'Ad-dunya-'ul imtihaan'. (Luruskah tu bahasa Arabku atu? Hehe...)
N hari ani, Hari ‘Asyura, today is officially one year since the last Hari ‘Asyura. N you know what? Alhamdulillaah, dua2 hari ‘Asyura aku kana bala sal dusa2ku yang amat2 banyak sangat (today n the last ‘Asyura). N i wouldn’t say aku kana uji sal urang kana uji ani ada ku dangar ceramah bila urang atu inda buat dusa or sikit buat dusa, lebih kurang cematulah nya ustaz tu. Aku kana bala yang membuka mataku BASAR2 masa Hari ‘Asyura yang jatuh pada awal Januari this year. Alhamdulillaah, tuhan nampakkan aku sesuatu yang aku inda expected. Lapas ku keluar dari Senate Room, Chancellor Hall, masa I attended the Second International Economics Conference at UBD, n ku liat suasana di luar CH through the window (biasalah, kan mentenangkan fikiran hehehh) n I turned my eyes ke bawah... I saw something... Baru jua dalam dua jam, dua jam yang short...
N I wouldn’t say it in here, let it be a top secret...
“...Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Dan Allah maha mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui...” - Al-Baqarah: 216
"...Dan Allah MAHA mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui...” - Al-Baqarah: 216
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Songket Ballroom
Two days ago, 21st December 2009, I attended my friends’ wedding at the Songket Ballroom, Rizqun International Hotel, The Mall. Alhamdulillah, I know both of them and both of them sent their own versions of invitation letter. Wow, alhamdulillaah, this is my first time receiving two invitation letters of two different versions from the same couple. During the majlis, Q called me, asking about bila exam’s result keluar and other stuffs. (Huh, sounds suspicious, ya?) I sensed that he knew that I was at The Mall. Later, I found out that krita yang slalu ia drive parking at the basement. Patut tah, ia called aku hoho. *Q, I know you would read this post eventually* ;)
Well, my post this time is not about my friends’ wedding, not about wedding, and so on. It’s a topic about two important events in the past that happened at the Songket Ballroom masa I was still a member of Kelab Teater UBD. And, this post is more to ‘bual kosong’ post. So, you have been warned, haha... xD
Well, my first performance at the Songket Ballroom was masa puasa. (Apa, masa puasaa? Yes dear, indeed, you are right!) And mufti, Pehin Aziz, meliat kami buat performance, haha... We had to change a little our performance knowing that mufti datang masatu. Au, last minute changes lah katakan to adapt with apa yg mufti ‘suka’.
Hmmm... I still remember masa besikin (shake hands) sama mufti lapas solat maghrib sama-sama masatu. I could feel ia punya aura masatu. Macam rasanya AUTO-matically aku makin respect ia lah. Macam apa ni, kan menunduk rasanya rah ia to respect him. Banar tah, what I heard from a ceramah, urang-urang alim ni, ada auranya.
My second performance di tempat yang sama, masatu, I felt very guilty, verrry guilty. Masih ku ingat. It did affect my performance. Sal malam before my performance, I made someone turn into a scary lion, haha! xD
And insya-Allah, to be continued...
Well, my post this time is not about my friends’ wedding, not about wedding, and so on. It’s a topic about two important events in the past that happened at the Songket Ballroom masa I was still a member of Kelab Teater UBD. And, this post is more to ‘bual kosong’ post. So, you have been warned, haha... xD
Well, my first performance at the Songket Ballroom was masa puasa. (Apa, masa puasaa? Yes dear, indeed, you are right!) And mufti, Pehin Aziz, meliat kami buat performance, haha... We had to change a little our performance knowing that mufti datang masatu. Au, last minute changes lah katakan to adapt with apa yg mufti ‘suka’.
Hmmm... I still remember masa besikin (shake hands) sama mufti lapas solat maghrib sama-sama masatu. I could feel ia punya aura masatu. Macam rasanya AUTO-matically aku makin respect ia lah. Macam apa ni, kan menunduk rasanya rah ia to respect him. Banar tah, what I heard from a ceramah, urang-urang alim ni, ada auranya.
My second performance di tempat yang sama, masatu, I felt very guilty, verrry guilty. Masih ku ingat. It did affect my performance. Sal malam before my performance, I made someone turn into a scary lion, haha! xD
And insya-Allah, to be continued...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Satu Insiden di Salah Satu Pagi 'Sebelum Cahaya'
Sebelum Cahaya, a song by Letto, was one of my most favorite songs in the past. This is still my Top 25 Most Played on my iTunes. I used to really love this song especially the chorus:
"Ingatkan engkau kepada,
Angin yang berhembus kencang,
Yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya..."
Okay Ari, would you like to STOP singing, please!?
Well, my post this time is about a Qur'anic session that we did after solat 'Sebelum Cahaya' or solat Subuh during our camping last week.
My friend told us that every of us to read three verses of surah Az-Zumar with its translation. My friend started to read the verse until eventually, one of my friends read the verse 13 of Az-Zumar (with its makna after that):
Katakanlah, "Sesungguhnya aku takut akan azab pada hari yang besar jika aku durhaka kepada tuhanku."
From there on, my eyes started to become wet. And then, watery. And then, tears started to pour non-stop to wash my face di waktu Subuh pagi Juma'at yang tenang lagi mententeramkan dan mentenangkan jiwa dan hati dengan membaca kalamullah yang maha agung. And, it happened in front of my friends who read surah Az-Zumar. There were about ten people who joined the Qur'anic circle.
Alhamdulillah, it was my first time menangis di 'public' masa membaca Qur'an, di depan sahabat-sahabatku. Slalunya, I only cried masa sorang-sorang. I really, really, did not want to show it to the 'public' as laki-laki yang menangis ani, apa nya urang-urang kitani (inda pulang semua ahh, adalah certain people atu):
"Macam pundan!"
"Bida jua lelaki menangis!"
I did my best not to cry especially in front of my friends, but as I tadabbur the ayat-ayat cinta from Allah and I reflect it especially to myself, I could not help but cried, and cried, and cried...
Masa ku sekolah di Ma'had dulu dari darjah lima til form five, I always read the Qur'an and I never even once cried. I think it is probably because we only read and read and read. And, aku inda baca maknanya and paham (or cuba paham) setiap Allah's love language atu. And also, I probably read it for better marks in tests and exams (and even for show-off!) macam menghalusi bacaannya, mencheck tajwidnya and so on.
Alhamdulillah, hanya Allah saja yang tahu my feeling at that time cana. Please don't ask me cana. People who know me know that I find it hard to express my feeling. My advice: read and read and read the Qur'an sama maknanya. And, try to reflect the ayat to yourself. Alhamdulillah, I have started and decided to use this effective habit about one year already since December 2008.

Gambar di atas ani tempatnya di atas bukit. Kami camping di bawahnya. I think this is the highest place at Kampung Masin (I forgot the name of the hill) since you could see places as far as Istana Nurul Iman, Bebatik and so on. Ohh, by the way, bila kamu liat my face. And then, kamu toleh ur face ke kanan sampai ke ujung *'like this'*. And then, kamu kan nampak gambar seperti yang di bawah ani: :P

Ahh... Yatah tuuu tempat kami camping. Nampak kamu tiga khemah atu? Dari puncak bukit, pemandangan tiga khemah atu, of courselah, damit. ;)
Lastly, I would like to share a lyric of a song from Opick, Tombo Ati (which means ubat hati), ada lima perkaranya... (Dan salah satunya) baca Qur'an dan maknanya, insya-Allah....
Salam! =)
"Ingatkan engkau kepada,
Angin yang berhembus kencang,
Yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya..."
Okay Ari, would you like to STOP singing, please!?
Well, my post this time is about a Qur'anic session that we did after solat 'Sebelum Cahaya' or solat Subuh during our camping last week.
My friend told us that every of us to read three verses of surah Az-Zumar with its translation. My friend started to read the verse until eventually, one of my friends read the verse 13 of Az-Zumar (with its makna after that):
Katakanlah, "Sesungguhnya aku takut akan azab pada hari yang besar jika aku durhaka kepada tuhanku."
From there on, my eyes started to become wet. And then, watery. And then, tears started to pour non-stop to wash my face di waktu Subuh pagi Juma'at yang tenang lagi mententeramkan dan mentenangkan jiwa dan hati dengan membaca kalamullah yang maha agung. And, it happened in front of my friends who read surah Az-Zumar. There were about ten people who joined the Qur'anic circle.
Alhamdulillah, it was my first time menangis di 'public' masa membaca Qur'an, di depan sahabat-sahabatku. Slalunya, I only cried masa sorang-sorang. I really, really, did not want to show it to the 'public' as laki-laki yang menangis ani, apa nya urang-urang kitani (inda pulang semua ahh, adalah certain people atu):
"Macam pundan!"
"Bida jua lelaki menangis!"
I did my best not to cry especially in front of my friends, but as I tadabbur the ayat-ayat cinta from Allah and I reflect it especially to myself, I could not help but cried, and cried, and cried...
Masa ku sekolah di Ma'had dulu dari darjah lima til form five, I always read the Qur'an and I never even once cried. I think it is probably because we only read and read and read. And, aku inda baca maknanya and paham (or cuba paham) setiap Allah's love language atu. And also, I probably read it for better marks in tests and exams (and even for show-off!) macam menghalusi bacaannya, mencheck tajwidnya and so on.
Alhamdulillah, hanya Allah saja yang tahu my feeling at that time cana. Please don't ask me cana. People who know me know that I find it hard to express my feeling. My advice: read and read and read the Qur'an sama maknanya. And, try to reflect the ayat to yourself. Alhamdulillah, I have started and decided to use this effective habit about one year already since December 2008.

Gambar di atas ani tempatnya di atas bukit. Kami camping di bawahnya. I think this is the highest place at Kampung Masin (I forgot the name of the hill) since you could see places as far as Istana Nurul Iman, Bebatik and so on. Ohh, by the way, bila kamu liat my face. And then, kamu toleh ur face ke kanan sampai ke ujung *'like this'*. And then, kamu kan nampak gambar seperti yang di bawah ani: :P

Ahh... Yatah tuuu tempat kami camping. Nampak kamu tiga khemah atu? Dari puncak bukit, pemandangan tiga khemah atu, of courselah, damit. ;)
Lastly, I would like to share a lyric of a song from Opick, Tombo Ati (which means ubat hati), ada lima perkaranya... (Dan salah satunya) baca Qur'an dan maknanya, insya-Allah....
Salam! =)
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