Tuesday, March 23, 2010

That Would be Like a Hat Trick Goal!

Alhamdulillaah, I finished reading a book and two e-books today, which is three books. And, a hat trick!

Subhaanallaah, this book is mind-opening. Sometimes, my eyes were watery reading the book. I was like, hey, for example, aku tau ayat al-Qur'aan ani tapi bila kana explain rah sini kepentingan ayat atu. Aku macam... shocked to know. This book mentions many, many times that we need to fully submit ourselves to Allah in all aspects of our life. We should never become a slave to the law which was made by humans. We can only become free when we follow the law which was made by Allah, which was based on the al-Qur'aan and the as-sunnah.

I downloaded this 32 pages e-book last night. Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki explains well in this e-book about the ummah undeniable victory in the future against the forces of the disbelievers. He said that Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and Palestine were the place for the revival of jihaad. Did you notice it? The US and other forces attacked Afghanistan since 2001 and Iraq since 2003, but then, they still have problems in conquering fully those two countries. Logically, the US have this and have that. They even sent more forces last year to Afghanistan. Allah 'sent' the US to destroy the secular Saddam's government and guess what, this opened up the opportunity for the revival of jihad there. For sure, Allah is indeed the best planner of all. :)

And I downloaded this 80 pages e-book last week. Subhaanallaah, Allah really helped the Afghans in their war against the Soviet Union. Banyak kisah-kisah yang sangat menakjubkan:

1) Ada this one syaheed shook hand sama bapanya sal bapanya cakap cemani lebih kurang bunyinya (to jenazah anaknya before kana kebumikan), "Lai, bila banar ko mati syaheed, buktikan rah bapa tanda-tandanya." And guess what, jenazah syaheed atu salam tangan bapanya.
2) Banyak kisah-kisah di mana the forces of the Afghans atu lebih kecil berbanding the forces of the communists which were led by the Soviet Union. Ada yang below 100 people of Afghan with their kekurangan yang banyak versus 10,000 soldiers of the Soviets with their airplanes and well-equipped weapons. And the Soviets lost. And this happens many times.
3) The power of du'aa and dzikir. Au banar, macam hmmm lapas durang berdu'aa atu, macam ada malaikat menulung durang. Ada yang bertakbir masa durang kana kapung by the Soviet. Tarus dikalahkan bah the Soviets on the spot dengan 'pertolongan Allah'. Yes, andang inda logic bunyinya.

And many more stories yang akan menyentuh hati kamu, kisah-kisah yang akan buat kamu lebih mencintai syurga, dan banyak lagi! Sayangnya, lapas durang manang atu lawan the Soviets, many of the clans in that country fight with each other for power (before atu durang united). Patut jua Allah inda tulung, muslims versus muslims jua tu. They should focus more on liberating Tajikistan from the Soviets, Kashmir from India, and even Palestine.

In conclusion, these three books ada similaritiesnya. And some of it are kekuatan iman and menegakkan kalimah Allah di muka bumi ani. Bila tani mau Allah tulung tani, we need to improve our iman. No matter what happens, we need to melaksanakan tugas-tugas ani and berserah kepada Allah sepenuhnya for the result.


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