Sunday, June 28, 2009

Three Choices, One Decision

The picture above shows Bu Usu's new house at Rimba. About five minutes of driving from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. *winks* ;)

Today, 27th June 2009, I helped my aunt, Bu Usu, with my bros, my aunts and my cousins sorting things, angkat-angkat barang and so on out at her new house. Dari pagi sampai kan azan Maghrib.

And after that, I rushed to Masjid Jame' to solat Maghrib. And then, I went to Kiarong to teach a tuition class there from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. And alhamdulillaah... :) One of my students offered herself to treat or belanja us (the class n the teacher!) at Kiulap at her uncle's restaurant. Well, I have to admit, she's a wealthy girl. Thanks for the treat, yeah. And also, because of that, the class was finished one hour earlier. :P I was tired, really tired (and still, even now, masa ku menaip ani). And your belanja to all of us at least made me happy. :)

Well... I have three choices today:
1) To help my aunt at her new house
2) To do urgent RESCO works with the RESCO members
3) To attend Perkhemahan Belia Dinamik 2009 (anjuran Dynamic Youth Club,Institut Teknologi Brunei) as a facilitator or a participant

And I chose the first one. Why? Because I had already agreed to help Bu Usu before I was called to do work under RESCO. I did not chose the third choice since I know I would be busy this week and next week because of the Sukan Staf Seborneo at UBD. And again, RESCO would be involved. And hmmm... It is about more than one week now that I did not meet my ikhwah. Because of the clash with my family activities. Huhu. Uhibbuka fillaah yaa akhii...

And ohh, by the way, as of now, there are 25 confirmed cases of AH1N1 in Brunei. Innaalillaah, that is indeed really fast for such a small country. Mari kita sama-sama membaca, menghayati dan memahami hadis Bukhori di bawah ini:

“Apabila kamu mendengar penyakit berjangkit terjadi di suatu negeri. Maka, janganlah kamu datang ke tempat itu. Dan, kalau kamu sedang berada dalam negeri yang tengah berjangkit penyakit menular itu. Maka, janganlah kamu keluar dari negeri itu. Kerana hendak melarikan diri.” - Hadis Bukhori

Tapinya kan..... Hmmm...

That is all for today, salaam all. :)

Sunday, 28th June 2009, I:16 AM

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tunas Taqwa 2009: Inspirasiku

These two-days event took place from Sunday, 14th June 2009 (one day after I finished my teaching assistanship at SMSO), until Monday, 15th June 2009. I became one of the facilitators in this event. And 'thanks so much' to akhi Kyar, I became the group facilitator for the Hikmah group. :P And wow, I really gained a lot from this event. :D Well, do enjoy some of the pictures below. ^_^

These are one of the two beautiful banners. The other banner (which was also similar like this one) was at the entrance of the Berakas Forest Recreational Park.

These are the cute children from the Hikmah group. From the left: Amar, Mu'az, Miqdad, Rahman, Khairul (the group's leader), Irham, Khairuddin, and Ammar. And errr... me, Abang Arina, the group's facilitor. :P

These are some of the cute participants. They were briefed about the two-days event.

These are some of the facilitators. They were introducing themselves to the cute participants.

Well, as you see from this picture, sharing is indeed caring. The cute participants (and even us, the facilitators) are encouraged to eat like this during breakfast, lunch and dinner during the two-days event. Wow, you should try this sometimes. :)

I forgot the name of this game. And I had fun watching the cute children played this game. And it was even more fun, when the facilitators, were involved in this game. I really loved it!

The 'Ikhtiar Hidup' game. The cute participants were asked to role play of a fire incident. I also learned, for the first time, how to make a stretcher from the sisters. *shy*

Good acting by Danial (or Daniel, do correct me when I'm wrong ya) as the victim of a fire incident during the 'Ikhtiar Hidup' game. *two thumbs up*

It was indeed fun and enjoyable to see how the children learn how to cook during the cooking competition. I even learned something about cooking from them and from the sisters. ;)

Tuesday, 23rd June 2009, 6:16 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Semester Six: The Conclusion

Alhamdulillaah... Thanks to Allaah that I got an overall C+ in my semester 6’s exam (ABBCCCD). And yeah, this is my first time getting an overall C+ since the first semester. Alhamdulillaah~ Wasyukuurillaah~ Bersyukuur~ Padamu ya Allaah~~~ :D

And, before that, I need to say many thanks or syukron to my friend, Muhammad Qawiem Qiwamuddin. I learn a lot from you bro. I learn how you revived the Kelab Fotografi PMUBD which was in extinction as the new chairman of the club. I learn how to be a great and a potential people like you. And so on... Without you also, I would not get a B in our course, A Multidisciplinary Approach for a Sustainable Environment. Words can’t express how much I need to thank you bro. Jazaakallaahu khoiron yaa sohaabii... :’)

Returning to the topic, my semester six, was, my busiest semester so far. I had many assignments to do in this semester. The highest number of assignments that I had to do so far since the first semester. And yeah, most of it, errr... I did it at the last minute. *gulp*

Not just that, I also involved myself in UBD’s extra curricular activities (ECA). In UBD, I am the Deputy Chairman 3 for Kelab Teater UBD. I am a member since semester 3. And I am also the Secretary for El Legua de Retratista Fotografia (the new name for Kelab Fotografi PMUBD). I am also a member since semester 3. And I am also the Biro Kerohanian for the UBD Residential College Organization (RESCO) since semester 5. And I am also a member for the Kelab Al-Qur’an since this semester also. And overall, my participation in ECA for this semester, my semester 6, was the highest since the first semester. There were other activities that I participated also.

My second performance as one of the Kelab Teater UBD members. At the Songket Ballroom, Rizqun International Hotel, Gadong. During the MBPAM 2009. On Friday, 13th March 2009.

My first time experiencing as the Pengerusi Majlis Bersama. During the Pertandingan Dikir Syarafil Anam anjuran Biro Kerohanian, RESCO. On Friday, 27th March 2009.

El Legua de Retratista Fotografia (The new name for the Kelab Fotografi PMUBD) with Qawiem as its new chairman.

Outside UBD, I work part-time at night as a tuition teacher teaching economics and history at Thumbsup Tuition School since March. Thanks to Abu Zar for offering me the job for the second time. I rejected the offer when he offered me the job before that, ooopppsss...I also learn Arabic language at Masjid Universiti, UBD, every Tuesday, after solat Maghrib. I also involve in halaqoh. For those who don’t know, halaqoh is a term which means a meeting of a group of people learning, teaching, discussing and so on about Islam.

And hmmm... I realized... I realized that, the busier I am, the better the overall result that I got, hehe... Alhamdulillaah... And hmmm... I think I’m going to end my post now. I have to prepare for tonight. I’m going to sleep at Masjid Beribi for the second time tonight for qiaamullail. And yes, innsyaaAllaah, I would meet the brothers tonight. It has been about two days I did not see and meet them since Monday. And I feel like I’m missing them already. Alhamdulillaah.... :D

And lastly, I do hope you would learn something from this post, my previous posts, and my upcoming posts. And, whether you learn something from me, or not, I request you all to do at least one thing. At least one thing, hehe... And that is, to pray and pray for me to be consistent and consistent and consistent in the road that would lead me to jannah in the hereafter. Aamiiin... May Allah blesses you all. Aamiiin... ^_^

Wednesday, 17th June 2009, 5:24 PM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Our Purposes of Life

Bismillaah, below is what AA Gym said about our purposes of life:

“Saudara-saudaraku, andaikata tujuan sudah ditetapkan sepelan apapun kita bergerak insyaallah merupakan suatu kemajuan. Tapi bagi orang yang tujuannya tidak tetap, segigih apapun bergerak bisa jadi menuju kehancuran.

Oleh karena itu kalau kita berbicara bisnis itu tergantung tujuannya apa. Ada yang tujuannya hanya uang, ada yang tujuannya kepuasan. Tapi sebagai seorang muslim paling tidak ada tiga tujuan yang harus kita pahami sebagai manusia yang diciptakan Allah.

Pertama, kita diciptakan oleh Allah untuk menjadikan segala aktifitas kita sebagai ibadah, bukan semata-mata mencari uang.

Kedua, tugas hidup kita menjadi khalifah. Kita diberi kesempatan hidup di dunia satu kali oleh karena itu kita harus berkarya seoptimal mungkin, sehingga saat kematian kita kelak adalah puncak kita berkarya dalam hidup ini yang bermanfaat bagi peradaban manusia, mensejahterakan diri dan mensejahterakan orang lain.

Ketiga, tugas kita dalam bahasa agama disebut dakwah. Artinya, apapun aktifitas yang kita lakukan harus menjadi pencerminan pribadi-pribadi yang menjadi teladan dalam kebenaran.

Ini penting, ibadah, khalifah dan dakwah. Saudaraku, ada orang yang sibuk dengan membanting tulang demi mencari sesuap nasi. Ini rugi, sudah tulang yang dibanting hanya sesuap yang dicari.

Imam Ali pernah mengatakan, barang siapa yang memang kesibukannya hanya untuk mencari isi perut, maaf, derajatnya tidak jauh beda dengan apa yang keluar dari perut.

Kalau hanya mencari makan, apa bedanya dengan kambing?
Kalau hanya sekadar mencari uang, garong juga mencari uang.
Maka kita harus tahu bahwa kita tidak disuruh mencari uang.
Tetapi kita disuruh untuk menjemput rezeki, karena setiap makhluk sudah disiapkan rezekinya masing-masing.”

Taken from Berbisnis dengan Hati: The 10 Credos of Compassionate Marketing by KH Abdullah Gymnastiar & Hermawan Kartajaya, pages 15-18.


Dear readers, it was from this book that I bought at Gramedia Bookstore, Jakarta, Indonesia, on December 2004 that I got the name for my beloved blog, Khadakiba. The word Khadakiba is the formation for the first three alphabets of khalifah, dakwah dan ibadah. Which are, our purposes of life in this temporary world.

Masatu, i was ‘alone’. I mean, I was interested in learning more about Islam. Macam ku suka baca pasal ugama, dangar ceramah-ceramah especially from AA Gym and so on. And, dilajukan cerita. Last year, on Thursday, 17th September 2008, di bulan Ramadhan yang penuh dengan keberkatan. I started to meet great people such as Atif, Lukman and so on. Masatu ada Qiamullail di Masjid Universiti, UBD. And masatu, terus terang saja ahh, niat utamaku kan datang qiam masatu kan dapatkan SIJIL, A CERTIFICATE!! *kan ngumpul sijil* *ohok-ohok* I came late masatu because I was from the airport. My bro continues his study to UK. Sikit lagi ku kan cancel datang sal janji melayu (akhir datang bah) haha...

And now, alhamdulillaah, I’m slowly and slowly associating myself with them and learning more from them. Biar lambat, asal selamat, insyaAllaah, hehe... ;) Hmmm bah bah, adang, memanjang tia cerita ku ani, haha... banyakkan diceritakan actually. xD

And mari kita terbang dari September 2008 ke hari ini. *tukar topic* Alhamdulillaah, as of today, I’m not feeling well today. *sangal bahu* *selesma* *banyak berasin* *sakit kepala* Pray for me ya semoga saya cepat sembuhhh, insyaAllaah... *sniff* ^_^

Sunday, 7th June 2009, 5:34 PM

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wajibat Da’ie Dalam Kehidupan

Below is what I took note from someone's Powerpoint presentation about weeks ago, Wajibat Da’ie Dalam Kehidupan. I hope you all dapat manfa’at from this, innsyaAllaah... ^_^

Tanya Diri Anda

1 - Apa yang anda bisik setiap hari?
2 - Jika negatif -> natijahnya negatif
3 - Latih diri anda supaya bisikan sentiasa positif
4 - Fokus diri anda, jangan fikir apa orang cakap
5 - Setiap hari katakan pada diri anda (affirmative words), “Saya mendekati kejayaan dan kehebatan mukmin.”
6 - Allah tahu anda mampu sebab itu anda menjadi pilihannya
7 - Ulanginya setiap hari (repetition)

Da’ie Cemerlang

1 - Menjaga Batasan Syarak
- Suruhan & larangan
- Agama neraca kehidupan

2 - Menjaga Keikhlasan
- Ruh kepada ‘amal
- Penentu ‘amal ditolak atau diterima

3 - Tidak Jemu Mencari Ilham
- Tidak semua berilmu dan jahil
- Mendapat darjat & kedudukan di sisi Allah
- Cahaya Kehidupan

4 - Sentiasa Menimba Pengalaman Orang Yang Berjaya
- Mencapai kejayaan itu bukan kerja mudah
- Mempercepatkan jalan dan matlamat dakwah

5 - Menjaga & Menyegarkan Ukhuwwah Islamiyyah
- Asas kekuatan selepas ‘aqidah
- Perpecahan menuju kehancuran
- Sentiasa berbaik sangka

6 - Merasai Tanggungjawab Dakwah di Hadapan Allah
- Tidak ada 'izzah di sisi Allah melainkan hidup bersama dakwah
- Menghayati tanggungjawab ber'amal untuk agama Allah
- Tadhiah (pengorbanan) menjadi amalan.
- Berkongsi dakwah dengan orang lain

7 - Alat Untuk Mencapai Redha Allah
- Semua kekuatan yang dimiliki adalah untuk masa depan agama dan dakwah
- Tebus kembali maruah Islam dan ummah

8 - Menjaga Hubungan Dengan Allah
- Al-Qur’aan
- Al-Ma’thurat
- Qiam
- Puasa
- Istighfar

9 - Berterusan Berdu’aa Dengan Penuh Ikhtiar
- Jadi mukmin hebat
- Tidak malas
- Konsisten
- Tidak dihinggapi penyakit-penyakit hati
- Sehat tubuh badan

10 - Sentiasa Muhasabah Diri & Merasa Kerdil di Hadapan Allah

To be continued... stay tuned... ;)

Semoga we all hebat di dunia... Dan hebat di aakhiroh, innsyaAllaah!!

Friday, 5th June 2009, 7:56 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009

AA Gym’s Five Concepts of Business (Part II)

“Yang keempat, keuntungan adalah ketika dengan bisnis, menambah silaturahmi, menambah saudara, karena persaudaraan itu mahal. Buat apa mempunyai uang banyak kalau musuh juga bertambah. Sekali digarong, atau dibui, harta akan habis dan percuma.

Jadi orentasi dalam bisnis itu adalah bagaimana semakin menambah saudara. Tidak begitu beruntung barangkali tidak ada apa-apa, tetapi saudara bertambah. Kalau orang sudah sayang ke kita, dia akan menjadi tim marketing kita.

Dan yang kelima, yang disebut keuntungan bagi bisnis yang bernuansa religi adalah bagaimana dengan bisnis makin banyak orang yang mendapatkan keuntungan, yang menjadi bagian dari bisnis kita, itu akan menjadikan kebagian diri kita pula.

Konsep-konsep tersebut di atas tidak hanya ideal, tapi realistis karena kita sudah menjalani dan terbukti untung besar. Kami tidak tertarik pada uang haram, untuk apa? Logikanya sederhana, Allah yang menyuruh jujur, Allah yang memberi rezeki, untuk apa harus tidak jujur?

Kami membangun perusahaan dengan konsep ini. Beberapa waktu yang lalu kami mencoba untuk membangun perumahan, hanya dalam tempo satu bulan sudah laku 495 rumah. Bahkan belum diumumkan sudah habis. Ya mudah-mudahan Allah menerima.”

Taken from Berbisnis dengan Hati: The 10 Credos of Compassionate Marketing by KH Abdullah Gymnastiar & Hermawan Kartajaya, pages 33-36.

Monday, 1/6/2009, 6:37 PM