This is what I showed them masa durang buat classwork!
Why? I wanted them to increase their awareness about the importance of akhirat.
One of my students said, "Menyindir kah tu sir?"
I replied, "Huh?!"
Then, she said, "Buleh (buat classwork) liat buku?"
I answered, "Au buleh (sal ani classwork)"
"Abis tu?" her hand pointing to the Powerpoint slide which shows the picture above.
I replied, "Ahh... Nada. Saja-saja."
Lebih kurang cematulah conversation kami yesterday, hehe...
Hmmm... last Wednesday, I gave them a 30 minutes topical test. And I noticed some of them were cheating. Well, my intention is not to menyindir them though. But yeah, that would be a bonus point since some of them are 'tersinggung', insyaAllah, it would be a good reminder (tadzkiroh) to them.
That's all for today!
Hehe... *sambung jaga booth MYC sambil surfing*
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