Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Abu Bakr's Constant Worry, Love and Respect for our Beloved Rasulullah SAW

"Rasullullah SAW and Abu Bakar were on their way to Medinah, and along the way, Abu Bakar would sometimes walk in front of Rasullullah and then walk behind him. Walk in front again and then walk behind again. And this went on for ages.

Rasullullah was amused by this. So when they stopped for a break, Rasullullah asked Abu Bakar why did he keep on switching front to back and vice versa.

Abu Bakar replied “Ya Rasullullah, when I think of the dangers that could befall onto you, I would rather risk my life to protect you and walk in front of you so I can be at the receiving end of your wounds. But when I remember that you are Our Prophet, the one who was sent to guide the Ummah, then I would walk behind you because you are our leader.”

Masha-Allah ! You can tell this man had no moment of peace in his mind because he was constantly thinking of protecting Rasullullah and at the same time respecting him.

One time when they needed funds for battle, Rasullullah asked his sahabah to contribute money and Abu Bakar gave all of his wealth.

Rasullullah asked “Ya Abu Bakar, what have you left for your wife and children?”

Abu Bakar replied “Allahu Wa Rasool” - Allah and His Rasul.

Allahu a'lam..."

Taken from:

Iman Sayyidina Abu Bakr lebih berat daripada semua umat Rasulullah SAW, which means dari iman orang yang pertama sekali masuk Islam, Sayyidatina Khadijah RA, sehingga orang yang terakhir sekali beriman sebelum tibanya hari kiamat... ♥

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