Monday, December 13, 2010

Hamas TV Drama Theodor Herzl's Negotiations with Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Watching this somehow reminds me of how our Sultan Hashim banar-banar defended Limbang from being taken by Charles Brooke. Alhamdulillah, no more lands were being taken after the signing of 1905/6 Protectorate Agreement which ended the Brooke's dream of taking more Brunei's land pasal negeri tani di bawah perlindungan British. Bila Charles Brooke menyerang Brunei would mean attacking the kingdom of Queen Elizabeth II.

And guess what, Allah blessed our country with the founding of oil after that which made Brunei the largest producer of oil in the Commonwealth nations masatu. Dari a big nation to a small four-districts nation, oil was founded. Yatah tu di sana atuuu tah banyak simpanan-simpanan minyak, sumber rezeki tani. Ada hikmahnya disebalik sesuatu kejadian ani. Nampak di sana pertolongan Allah atu. Ya Allah, how so sweet of you... :)

And I think, thanks to Sultan Sharif Ali or 'Sultan Berkat' from Taif for adding the word 'Darussalam' to our country. Did you remember salah satu ujian terbesar Rasulullah SAW adalah semasa di sana? Darussalam ani adalah salah satu nama-nama syurga. And mahal kali ahh nama syurga ani. Penduduk-penduduknya pun mesti ada ciri-ciri penghuni-penghuni syurga? Don't cha think so?

Look at Aceh Darussalam (note the word 'Darussalam'), they are blessed with large reserves of oil too. Same goes with Kelantan. Same goes with Saudi Arabia, it has the largest reserve of oil in the world. Well, we all know what happened here in the past. ;) Same goes with Palestine! The best quality of zaitun (olive oil) comes from here. 'Wattiini waz zaituun~' - Surah At-Tin, ayat 1

My point is, berkat bahh negeri-negeri ani. tinggal disyukuri dengan lebih dan lebih banyak lagi and difully utilised and optimised efficiently lagi the resources ani. Makin tani jauh dari Allah dan Islam, ada kemungkinan nikmat ani akan kena tarik, na'udzubillah. Cemana tah Allah kan tulung bila tani banyak dusa dan maksiat?

The semangat of our Sultans should be passed down to our next generations! When you read further about of how semangat Sultan Hashim defended Limbang, even though, yeah, we lost Limbang, you would cry. Okay, I guess I should stop!

I think I miss teaching history in this month of school holiday. ;)

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