Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Niat in the Past That is Almost Forgotten

“Semua ustaz (yang datang from that country) di sini (Ma’had Islam Brunei, Tutong) sokong parti tu, kecuali satu orang je”, said Ustaz Abdul Manap, who taught us Fiqh in 2002 and 2000.

And from that time on, I started to fall in love with this person for the first time. I started to make a niat to want to see him face-to-face (sounds impossible at that time) and so on. I also started to observe the political situation in that country especially the party that he leads. Why? All the ustaz of Ma’had Islam Brunei from that country (except one ustaz) masatu sukung that party where he is the big boss in that party.

And when you see a picture of his house, you wouldn’t believe that this is his house. I would say that he is a zuhud person. A person yang mementingkan akhirat daripada dunia. And berusaha mengamalkan Islam yang sebenar dengan melaksanakannya dari semua aspek. Politik, ekonomi, sosial dan seterusnya.

“Pernah jumpa *this person*?” *In a Malaysian tone* I tend to ask people especially when some of the people I met are from that one state of a country. One of it was masa students from that country visited UBD. Alhamdulillah, kami AJK-AJK hostel masatu, yatah, ambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan to mingle-mingle with them ani. Masatu kami di hostel and kami lepak-lepak manfaat.

And insya-Allah, in five days from now, I would be meeting this great person, yang selalu dibuli oleh certain people from the bigger party from that country and so on.

Which means, I would be ‘cuti-cuti’ to another country in about 16 hours from now, Insya-Allah.

And no, I won’t tell you who the great person is. :)

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