Saturday, January 10, 2009

Inter Semester Holiday 2008/2009

Assalaamu’alaikum and a very good night brothers and sisters. ^_^ Well, here is a summary of what I did during the holiday from 7th December to 11th January 2009.

10th December 2008: Majlis korban dan aqiqah at DAL, UBD. MPP and RESCO were involved.

10th-12th December 2008: UMS and UUM visited UBD. MPP and RESCO were involved.

13th-14th December 2008: Went to Temburong through Limbang with the brothers. BBQ, outdoor activities, tazkirah, ceramah, etc.

15th December 2008: Majlis pembubaran RESCO sesi 2007/2008 dan perlantikan new RESCO sesi 2008/2009.

15th-16th December 2008: Became a facilitator for program belia remaja (I forgot the correct name of the program hhuhu) at Masjid Beribi.

22th-25th December 2008: UiTM visited UBD. MPP and RESCO were again involved.

24th December 2008: Attended a talk or pengisian at Manggis by Ustaz Lukman from Terengganu, Malaysia.

1th January 2009: Family gathering (games, bouncer, lucky draw, etc.) at Bunong's house at Berakas.

4th January 2009: Attended majlis ilmu or ceramah motivasi,“Apa Erti Hidup Untuk Islam”, at Serusop. The speaker was Ustaz Kamarul from Malaysia. (BTW, I don’t know the correct spelling for his name huhu.)

6th-8th January 2009: Volunteered under the Protocol Committee for the Second International Economics Conference 2009 at the Senate Room, UBD.

7th January 2009: Attended special forum,"Menghayati Keagungan Peristiwa Hijrah Dalam Pembentukan 'Modal Insan Rabbani'" during Majlis Sambutan Awal Tahun Hijrah 1430 at Lecture Theatre, UBD.

10th-11th January 2009: Attended Seminar Serantau Sejarah Dalam Pembangunan Negara at Lecture Theatre, UBD, which were organized by Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (YSHHB) and Persatuan Sejarah Brunei (PESEBAR).

11th January 2009: Majlis tahlil dan arwah at tua Ayim's house in Manggis starting from Maghrib.


Cahaya Pejuang said...

wow ari..!jadual yg padat!bagus..memanfaatkan masa terluang dgn perkara2 berfaedah (^_^)

Mohari said...

hehe... kak syud, thanks for the comment... (^_^)