Monday, May 23, 2011

Platelet Donation

Yesterday afternoon, alhamdulillaah, I donated blood for the 15th times with three of my friends.

And, I found out that rupanya ada jua ahh bila tani mau derma platelet tani. And, we need to selalu derma darahlah when we would like to donate our platelet.

So, to people who are reading this, please pray for me that I would be eligible to donate my platelet in the future, aamiin...

"I want to be useful to other people..." - Aya, One Litre of Tears

Lillaahi ta'aalaa...


Anonymous said...

Keep on posting!alhamdulilah,dpt byk manfaat from this blog =)

Mohari said...

salaam. thanks for the encouragement and compliment =)