Thursday, December 31, 2009


“Neway anta tau istilah BMTTenSoFaLeS?”

“Ana dpt tu dri aa gym jua”
, said Bro T. Well, he was referring to Kiyai Haji Abdullah Gymnastiar or nama manjanya, AA Gym.

Last night, I was dating with Bro T********* (kemungkinan nama sebenar, maybe) on MSN Messenger. And he was telling me about BMTTenSoFaLeS in one of our conversations.

Some of you might ask, “Apakan BMTTenSoFaLeS ni?”

Okay people, allow me to copy and paste what Bro T said:
“BMT...sblum ckp... check whether apa yg kan di ckp atu...Benar....if benar..check adakah ia berManfaat...lau bermanfaat...check adakah ia Tidak menyakiti...”

“ia BMT ani sudah lulus..sudah okay..gunakan kaedah TenSoFaLes... Semasa ckp tu...pastiakn Tenang, Sopan...Fasih..tidak perlu guna perkataan2 yg dlm dan kurg di fahami....then ckp secara Lembut..n ckp Secukupnya saja..nda perlu pjg2.. n byk bunga…”

“BMTTenSoFaLeS =
- Benar,
- Manfaat,
- Tidak menyakiti,
- Tenang,
- Sopan,
- Fasih,
- Lembut,
- Secukupnya…”

And so, that was one of the things that he shared with me last night. Okay, allow me to change the topic. I would like to tell you guys some of the things that I experienced and witnessed today:

1) I was driving tadi along my kampong. And I saw our ex-ketua kampong main badminton sama cucunya. And watching that made me and my heart smile. :D Why? Macam happy bah ex-ketua kampong atu. And appearancenya lagi macam urang muda. He is about 65 plus years old by the way. Insya-Allah, aku mau and perlu macam ia, ada semangat yang muda selamanya walaupun fizikal semakin tua. And for me, one of my semangat muda, belajar ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk my dunia dan akhirat selama-lamanya. And mengamalkan sebaik-baiknya, insya-Allah.

2) Masa ku solat Asar tadi, ada nini ani, namanya Nini X (bukan nama sebenar) bawa cucunya solat (usulnya macam umur 3-4 tahun). Inda pulang ia pandai solat as ia ani masih damit. What made me macam kan ketawa lagi (I smiled the first time I saw this boy), muanya ani kan sama macam nininya. :D Lapas solat, on the way ke kerita, ku tanya lah Nini X ani, “Siapa namanya?”

“Mufti,” said Nini X. Suaranya inda brapa clear bah and aku pun sama juanya, hearing ku ani, macam urang tua dah. :P

“Ahh, mufti?” I was shocked to hear Nini X's response. Dipendekkan cerita (I don’t want to tell the rest), after several thoughts, I eventually have a guess barang kali maksudnya atu nama cucunya atu Lutfi kali. Wallaahu a’laam.

3) “Ada accident tadikan?”, my mom said. I only realized it sudah ku kan masuk simpang to our home after I prayed solat Isya. And that accident happened at about 50 meters from our home.

“Cana mama tau?”, I said.

“Lapas ko keluar simpang tadi, ada bunyi *BUK!* dakat kadai DLA atu, and mama tarus masuk”.

Reminder: Berhati-hatilah kitani semasa memandu. Pandu cermat, insya-Allah, jiwa akan selamat. Ingatlah Allah dan orang-orang yang tersayang selalu.

And banyakkan dicerita lagi yo! Atu tah saja yang ingin ku share for today.

And by the way, bro T, thanks bro for sharing the info sal BMTTenSoFaLes. :D Macam score piano bunyinya TenSoFales atu.

And to you, dear readers, semoga bermanfaat reading this, insya-Allaah. ^_^

Ahh, it is about one hour and fifteen minutes till the new year of 2010 begins. And here I am, spending the last day of 2009 at my parents’ room. Both of them are sleeping by the way. And my youngest sis is playing game using my babah’s desktop. And just now, alhamdulillah, I had one of the best quality time with my beloved parents masa dinner tadi.

"Maka nikmat tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan?" - Suroh Ar-Rohmaan. Ayat ani kana ulang 31 times. And I really love to recite this ayat.

2010. It’s only a number. Nothing really important when we think about it. =)

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