Saturday, September 26, 2009

BRIDEX Conference 2009

On Tuesday, 11th August 2009, BRIDEX (Brunei Darussalam International Defence Exhibition) Conference 2009 was held at Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam. Many top defence officials from about 25 plus countries came to the conference with the theme, Emerging and Future Security Threats and Challenges. Alhamdulillaah, I came to the conference as one of the ten conference delegates from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. Below are some of the pictures during the one day conference:

Thanks to Uncle Reeda of for taking this picture. :)

Networking with Pehin Halbi, Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (three from left), and the other top defence officials from the other countries.

During the conference...

Luxurious lunch at the Royal Berkshire Hall, Jerudong Park.

After the conference...

Some of the things that I would like to share during the conference:

1) "What actions have you done to Palestine?", said one of the conference delegates (I think he's from Pakistan) with an angry tone and expression to one of the speakers from Sweden who talked about the Port and Maritime Security (he also mentioned the situation in the Middle-East especially in the Mediterranean Sea) during the conference. I really saluted and respected this uncle for questioning such a brave and risky question during the Q & A and Panel Discussion session. The conference's situation became silent for a while at that time for questioning such a sensitive issue. The speaker replied with a smile and it seemed that he tried to change the topic which made this uncle repeated the question for the second time. Once again, I would like to salute him for being brave to ask such a question to the Denmark's speaker. I felt ashamed and I felt like a coward for being silent with the rest of the delegates. It seemed that I was supporting the speaker. And wallaahi, NO! Ya Allaah, what have I done... I should, at the very least, do something like that for the people of Palestine. It might seem stupid if I did that. but, one day, Allaah would ask in aakhiroh, "What actions and efforts have you done in order to protect the ummah of Muhammad?"

2) "Kita Pengirahkah? Pengiran Anak kali?", said one of the conference delegates to me. Uncle, I'm not one of the royals and I'm not even married yet, haha... xD I'm just a slave of Allah. ;)

3) I found out that two of my students' father who attends my tuition classes, one is the director of Brunei Investment Agency (BIA), and another is the top officials from the Royal Brunei Technical Services (RBTS), attended the conference. And, I realized it after the conference! xD

Hmmm... after attending the conference, I feel like applying for a post of cadet officer next year after I finished my degree program. My plan before this was to apply for master's scholarship of Islamic Finance at UNISSA (and maybe, other universities).

Hmmm... wallaahu a'laam...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya Yang Sunnah

Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya daripada hadis-hadis sahih ialah:

تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ

“Semoga Allah menerima (amalan) dari kami dan dari kamu”. (Lihat: Fathul Bari 2/446)

Ibnu Hajar rahimahullah berkata: Dari Jubair bin Nufair ia berkata:

كَانَ اَصْحَابُ رَسُوْلِ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ، اِذَا الْتَقَوْا يَوْمَ الْعِيْدِ يَقُوْلُ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ : تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكَ

“Para sahabat Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wa-sallam apabila bertemu di Hari Raya, sebahagian mereka mengucapkan kepada yang lain: Semoga Allah menerima (amalan) dari kami dan darimu”. (Lihat: Fathul Bari 2/446)

Menurut Ibnu Hajar, isnad hadis ini hasan. (Lihat: Fathul Bari 2/446) Ibnu Taimiyah apabila ditanya tentang ucapan selamat pada Hari Raya beliau menjawab:

“Katakanlah kepada yang lain apabila bertemu dengan ucapan:

تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ

“Semoga Allah menerima (amalan) dari kami dan dari kamu”. (Lihat: Majmu’ al-Fatawa 24/253)

اَحَالَ اللهُ عَلَيْكَ

“Allah telah menghalalkan kepada kamu”. (Lihat: Whusul al-Amani bi Usul at-Tahani. Al-Jalal as-Suyuti)

Imam Ahmad rahimahullah berkata: “Aku tidak pernah memulakan mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya kepada seseorangpun, namun bila ada orang mendahulukan mengucapkan itu, aku akan menjawabnya. Kerana menjawab ucapan selamat itu wajib, sedangkan mendahului ucapan tersebut bukanlah sunnah yang diperintahkan dan tidak pula dilarang. Sesiapa mengerjakannya maka baginya ada contoh dan siapa yang meninggalkannya baginya juga ada contoh”. (Lihat: Whusul al-Amani bi Usul at-Tahani. Al-Jalal as-Suyuti)

Ibnu Qudamah rahimahullah menjelaskan: “Muhammad bin Ziyad berkata: Aku pernah bersama Abu Umamah al-Bahali dan selainnya dari kalangan para sahabat Nabi. Mereka bila kembali dari solat Hari Raya berkata sebahagiannya dengan ucapan (Lihat: Al-Mughni 2/295):

تَقَبَّلَ اللهُ مِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ

“Semoga Allah menerima dari kami dan dari kamu”.

Menurut Imam Ahmad: “Isnad hadis Abu Ummah jayyid (baik). (Lihat: Al-Jauharun Naqi 3/446) Begitu juga Imam Suyuti berkata: Isnad hadis ini hasan. (Lihat: Al-Hawi 1/81)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya 1430 Hijrah!

Let us prepare ourselves more and more from now on for next year's last ten crucial days of Ramadhan 1431 Hijrah in 2010 where in it lies the holy Lailatul Qadr which is worth for 1000 months, insya-Allah. Selamat Hari Aidilfitri 1430 Hijrah, Mohon Maaf Zahir dan Batin. :)

Dan, semoga Allah menerima (amalan) dari kami dan dari kamu. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy 42nd Birthday Mama!

A sweet photo taken by Kaka Lina (Thanks!:D) during our sungkai at Bu Ina's house on Thursday, 17th September 2009

Ma, happy birthday yang ke 42 tahun. Words really can't express how much I love you. ^_^

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, Bersungguh-sungguhlah dalam berbakti kepada ibumu, karena sesungguhnya syurga itu berada di bawah kedua kakinya.” - HR Imam Nasa’i dan Thabrani dengan sanad hasan

“Dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap mereka berdua dengan penuh kesayangan dan ucapkanlah: “Wahai Tuhanku, kasihilah mereka keduanya sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidik aku waktu kecil.”
- Al Isra’:24

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Crying While Running To The Masjid

Wednesday, 9th September 2009 / 19 Romadhon 1430

4:25 AM – I woke up. Realizing that I would be late for Qiaamullail at the Masjid, I only ate three dates (kurma) and drank a plenty of MARIGOLD Hi-Calcium Fresh Soya Milk for my sahur. I threw my tapau which was supposed to be my sahur for that time in the bakul sampah since I wanted to perform Qiaam at the Masjid. After that, I get prepared very quickly for getting ready to Qiaam at Masjid Universiti, UBD.

OTW to Masjid – I was running (usually, I walk to the masjid) since my niat was to perform eight roka’aat of Solat Tahajjud lillaahi ta’aala. For unknown reasons, when I was running on the way to the Masjid, I cried. At that time, I remembered a hadis where it said something like siapa yang tahu fadhilat solat Subuh, pasti tani mendatanginya walaupuin bila keadaan tani merangkak (by crawling! Just imagine how BIG the fadhilat is to the extent that urang yang crawling pun sanggup solat ani bah). At that time, I also said in my heart, “Kenapaaa tah ku lari-lari cani” Running from the hostel to masjid before azan Subuh, haha...

And alhamdulillah, I managed to perform four roka’aat of solat Tahajjud at the Masjid before the azan Subuh. Well, four is bigger than zero. :)

Hmmm… It was something hard for me to explain why I was crying while running to the Masjid tadi atu. Slalunya inda bahh. Something like mixed feelings ada jua. For sure, I was finding rohmat, redho and keampunan from Allah di pagi 19 Romadhon. I could perform my Qiaam and solat Subuh at the hostel though. And I chose at the Masjid. Bulan puasa lagi kan, and Ramadhan tinggal dalam 10 hari lagi. Why not take the chances as if I am going to die soon.

But, most importantly, I really don’t want to miss solat Subuh berjamaa’ah di masjid for the third time in this blessing month of Ramadhan 1430 Hijrah. I already missed two though huhu...

And lastly, du’aakan that I would be like this and istiqomah selama-lamanya... aamiin...

Telah berkata pendeta Yahudi: "Tidak akan aku gentar pada ummat Islam selagi mana jumlah Muslims yang datang menunaikan solat Subuh berjamaa'ah tidak menyamai jumlah Muslims yang menunaikan solat Jum'at"